Get a quote in less than 5 minutes. You'll need Singpass to apply for this plan.
Let's get started
Discover your benefits with some basic details.
Let's get started
Discover your benefits with some basic details.
This plan is for
{{tokens.insured !== 'SELF' ? (tokens.insured === 'CHILD' ? "Child's " : (tokens.insured === 'SPOUSE' ? "Spouse's " : "Parent's ")) : ''}}ID type
{{tokens.idType || tokens.thirdPartyIdType}}
Pass Type
{{tokens.insured && tokens.insured !== 'SELF' ? (tokens.insured === 'CHILD' ? "Child's " : (tokens.insured === 'SPOUSE' ? "Spouse's " : "Parent's ")) : ''}}Date of birth
{{tokens.birthdate || tokens.thirdPartyBirthdate}}
Have you smoked in the past 12 months?
Staff details
Let us know about the staff to enjoy staff discounts.
Great! Your {{ (storeStateReferences.premiumDetails?.premiums)? storeStateReferences.premiumDetails?.premiums[0].discountDetails.breakdown[0].rate : ((storeStateReferences.packages?.packages && storeStateReferences.packages?.packages[0]?.quotation?.PREMINFO?.premiums && storeStateReferences.packages?.packages[0]?.quotation?.PREMINFO?.premiums[0]?.discountDetails) ? storeStateReferences.packages?.packages[0]?.quotation?.PREMINFO?.premiums[0]?.discountDetails[0].rate * 100 : '--')}}% staff discount has been applied!
By continuing, you confirm that you're an immediate family member to a staff and agree to our Staff purchase declarations.
Select a coverage amount
This policy covers all stages for cancer, heart attack and stroke until you're aged 85. With Protect Me Again rider, you can make up to 3 claims under this policy and receive full payout for each claim.
A change in your health status may not allow you to get covered again. The rate of cancer recurrence is up to 100%. Without a comprehensive coverage, falling critically ill again could wipe out your savings.
Source: 'Cancer Recurrence Statistics', Cancer Therapy Advisor, 2018.
Stay covered up to 3x
Stay covered for 2 more payouts after the first claim.
100,000 SGD
Upon cancer, heart attack or stroke, receive one-time payout.
25,000 SGD
Upon death, receive one-time payout.
100,000 SGD
Upon cancer, heart attack or stroke, Receive one-time payout.
25,000 SGD
Upon death, receive one-time payout.
Stay covered up to 3x
Stay covered for 2 more payouts after the first claim.
200,000 SGD
Upon cancer, heart attack or stroke, receive one-time payout.
25,000 SGD
Upon death, receive one-time payout.
200,000 SGD
Upon cancer, heart attack or stroke, receive one-time payout.
25,000 SGD
Upon death, receive one-time payout.
Stay covered up to 3x
Stay covered for 2 more payouts after the first claim.
350,000 SGD
Upon cancer, heart attack or stroke, receive one-time payout.
25,000 SGD
Upon death, receive one-time payout.
350,000 SGD
Upon cancer, heart attack or stroke, receive one-time payout.
25,000 SGD
Upon death, receive one-time payout.
Life Insurance Association of Singapore (LIA) recommends critical illness coverage that can support your family's spending for 5 years. (The Sunday Times, 2019)
Select a payment cycle
Pay your premiums monthly or save when you pay yearly.
Save 2.9%
Total price
GST does not apply for this policy.
--{{inputs.paymentFrequency ? tokens.regularPremiumBeforeGST : "--"}}
{{inputs.paymentFrequency ? tokens.premiumAmount : "--"}}
{{tokens.paymentFrequency === "Annual" ? "Yearly" : tokens.paymentFrequency}} premium for first year
{{inputs.paymentFrequency ? tokens.regularPremiumAmount : "--"}}
Promo: {{tokens.premiums && tokens.premiums[0].discountDetails.totalRate}}% off first year
{{inputs.paymentFrequency ? tokens.premiumAmount : "--"}}{{tokens.premiums && (tokens.premiums[1].discountDetails.breakdown[0].code === 'Staff' ? 'Staff: ' : 'Promo: ') + tokens.premiums[1].discountDetails.breakdown[0].rate}}% off
{{tokens.premiums && tokens.premiums[1].discountDetails.breakdown.length > 1 ? 'Promo: ' + tokens.premiums[1].discountDetails.breakdown[1].rate + '% off':''}}
After the first year, enjoy 10% off for the remaining policy coverage.
Have other discounts to use? Apply them later at the payment page or payment checkout.
Singpass is required for this application. I don't have Singpass
Security Verification
Please enter valid code
You're in good hands
Our Financial Representative is here to help you with all things insurance and do the heavy lifting for your policy matters.
Your Financial Representative
By proceeding, you understand and accept that any personal particulars entered in the following pages may be used by us and our financial representative to contact and assist you in your application process.
Considerations before making a purchase
You are encouraged to:
Customers need to meet the conditions in order to make a purchase.
We need to understand you more
Can we get in touch with you on this application?
Alternatively, you can get help from your financial representative.
Don’t worry, you may still continue with this application with another qualified financial representative.
Plan summary
The table below shows the maximum accident coverage of each plan. Accidents that occur in a public conveyance (as a passenger), in a road traffic accident (as a pedestrian, cyclist or passenger) or when outside of Singapore will receive up to 150% of the following accidental coverage.
Basic | Classic | Elite | |
Monthly premium | {{tokens.basicPremium}} | {{tokens.classicPremium}} | {{tokens.elitePremium}} |
Accidental death | 200,000 SGD | 500,000 SGD | 1,000,000 SGD |
Accidental major permanent disablement (up to) | 600,000 SGD | 1,500,000 SGD | 3,000,000 SGD |
Accidental other permanent disablement (up to) | 100,000 SGD | 250,000 SGD | 500,000 SGD |
Accidental medical expense reimbursement (up to) | 3,000 SGD per accident |
4,000 SGD per accident |
5,000 SGD per accident |
Proceed with new details?
The details you entered do not match our customer records. Should we proceed with this application?
ID type mismatch
Your provided ID type doesn't match our records. If you have a different ID type, please proceed with the application.
ID type mismatch
Your provided ID type doesn't match our records. If you have a different ID type, please proceed with the application.
Enjoy {{ (storeStateReferences.discountDetails && storeStateReferences.discountDetails.length > 0 && storeStateReferences.discountDetails[0].rate)? storeStateReferences.discountDetails[0].rate * 100 : 30}}% discount
Enjoy 30% off!
Staff and their family enjoy up to a 30% discount off the total premium. This discount will be applied along with any existing promotions.
You will be logged out if you don't come back to the app within 30 minutes.
For security reasons, you have 30 minutes to submit your application. Once your session is expired, you'll be logged out.
We'll email the documents to you once you have submitted your application.
Don't have Singpass?
To continue, please register for Singpass and try again. Alternatively, you can also get help from your Great Eastern financial representative
Don't have Singpass?
To proceed, please register for Singpass and try again. Alternatively, you can also get help from your Great Eastern financial representative.
Something went wrong
{{storeStateReferences?.reqRefNumber || '--'}}
{{storeStateReferences?.journeyUUID || '--'}}
{{storeStateReferences?.apiUrl || '--'}}
Enjoy {{ (storeStateReferences.discountDetails && storeStateReferences.discountDetails.length > 0 && storeStateReferences.discountDetails[0].rate)? storeStateReferences.discountDetails[0].rate * 100 : 30}}% discount
Plan summary
A summary of your plan selections
{{tokens.groupingName ? tokens.groupingName : '-'}}
{{tokens.regularPremiumBeforeGST ? tokens.regularPremiumBeforeGST : '-'}}
For Myself:
Sum assured: {{tokens.sumAssured ? tokens.sumAssured : '-'}}
{{tokens.monthlyBenefit ? tokens.monthlyBenefit : '-'}}
With Protect Me Again rider
{{tokens.paymentFrequency ? (tokens.paymentFrequency === 'Annual' ? 'Yearly' : 'Monthly') : '-'}} payment
{{tokens.planCode === storeStateReferences.inputs?.selectedPlan + '-extra' ? 'With' : 'No'}} motorcyclist coverage
Total price
{{storeStateReferences.inputs.paymentFrequency ? tokens.regularPremiumBeforeGST : "--"}}
{{storeStateReferences.inputs.paymentFrequency ? tokens.premiumAmount : "--"}}
How to use gift credits
Here are 3 easy steps on how to enter your gift credits or other voucher codes on your payment screen.
1. Copy voucher code
2. Select credit card or PayNow QR as your payment method
3. Enter voucher code
Gift credits can only be used if you pay by credit card or PayNow QR.
You were away for awhile, we've ended this session to protect your data.
Enjoy staff discounts!
Staff and their family enjoy up to a 30% discount off the total premium. This discount will be applied along with any existing promotions.
Not to worry! An experienced representative or your last servicing representative will assist you with your insurance matters. Alternatively, you can add a preferred Financial Representative by their mobile number.
Your Financial Representative
You'll be serviced by {{ ||}} for this application.
Likewise, your application will be shared with them via email.
Have a preferred financial representative?
Get the invitation link from your financial representative and try again.
Some of your details are missing
This could happen if you navigated Back or Forward on your browser. Please fill in your details and try again.
Enjoy up to 25% off your first-year premiums!
Enjoy 10% off yearly premiums.
In addition, get a 15% refund of your first-year premium over 1,200 SGD.
We'll credit the refund to you within 2 weeks of policy activation.
This offer is available from 1 Jan to 31 Mar 2025.
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Personal invitation links are no longer in use.
Not to worry, you can enter the agent’s code later in the journey. Click Okay to proceed.
This product is not available in your region/country
This page is only accessible in Singapore.
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