Get {{ (storeStateReferences.discountDetails && storeStateReferences.discountDetails.length > 0 && storeStateReferences.discountDetails[0].rate)? storeStateReferences.discountDetails[0].rate * 100 : 0}}% off for the first year.
Up to a lifetime of coverage at affordable premiums
Thank you for your details, a {{ (storeStateReferences.dataSimple?.M48A1?.premiums) ? storeStateReferences.dataSimple?.M48A1?.premiums[0]?.discountDetails?.breakdown[0]?.rate : '--'}}% staff discount has been applied to your application.
Choose your coverage period
Select one from these popular policy terms or customise one from 6 years up to when you're aged 100 at next birthday. What coverage period is right for you?.
I want to be covered for
You 'll be covered for {{tokens.coverageTerm ? tokens.coverageTerm : 10}} years starting from the date your policy takes effect
You 'll be covered for {{storeStateReferences.inputs?.isCovergaePeriodEnterOwn ? storeStateReferences.inputs?.coveragePeriodText : storeStateReferences.inputs?.coveragePeriod}} years starting from the date your policy takes effect
Choose your coverage amount for death, terminal illness and total and permanent disability
Think about how much family will need for their expenses should you unexpectedly pass away or become permanently incapacitated. Life Insurance Association of Singapore(LIA) recommends cover of 9x your annual salary in LIA Protection Gap study 2017.
Source: LIA Protection Gap study 2017
Coverage amount does not meet minimum premium amount.
Try increasing your coverage period if you wish to select any of these coverage amounts.
Prefer a higher coverage?
Get in touch with us if you're looking for coverage of more than 300,000 SGD
Include critical illness protection in your coverage
Select your Living Care rider coverage amount. It covers 53 critical illnesses including cancer, heart attack stroke.
Increase your coverage amount if you wish to select a higher critical illness protection coverage.
Choose a coverage period for critical illness protection
I want to be covered for
You 'll be covered for {{storeStateReferences.inputs?.ciRiderCoveragePeriod}} years starting from the date your policy takes effect
Prefer to add-on critical illness coverage or a higher coverage? Connect with us
You will receive a full one-time payout from any event below. Your policy will terminate once the coverage amount is fully paid out.
Full one-time payout
Full one-time payout
Full one-time payout
{{(storeStateReferences.inputs && storeStateReferences.inputs?.package && storeStateReferences.inputs?.ciRider && storeStateReferences.inputs.package.split('-')[0] == storeStateReferences.inputs.ciRider.split('-')[0])? 'Full one-time payout' : 'Partial payout of 100,000 SGD' }}
You can choose to pay monthly or yearly. Prices are before GST and discounts (if any).
Save 2.9%
You do not need to pay GST for this policy
Security Verification
Please enter valid code
Add your preferred Financial Representative
If you wish to be serviced by your last servicing financial representative or do not have someone in mind, you may skip this.
The representative is not available for this policy. Not to worry, we’ll proceed to process your application.
We’re unable to identify this financial representative. Not to worry, we’ll proceed to process your application.
Your financial representative
You have 1 attempt left to find your preferred financial representative.
You have reached the maximum attempt. Not to worry, you'll still have your last servicing or another experienced Financial Representative to service you.
Find your preferred Financial Representative
If you wish to be serviced by your last servicing Financial Representative or don’t have someone in mind, you may skip this.
You've reached the maximum attempt. Not to worry, you'll still have your last servicing or another experienced Financial Representative to service you.
You have 1 attempt left to find your preferred financial representative.
Your financial representative
Have gift credits? You can apply the voucher code later on the payment page. Learn more
Security Verification
Please enter valid code
Singpass is required for this application.
By proceeding, you understand and accept that any personal particulars entered in the following pages may be used by us and our financial representative to contact and assist you in your application process.
Before you buy
About this policy
"Save 2.9%" refers to actual savings of 2.99% if you choose to pay a yearly premium instead of monthly premiums.
Customers need to meet the conditions in order to make a purchase.
What coverage period is right for you?
Everyone has different insurance needs
Choose a coverage period that suits your expenses and liabilities. Let us explain.
Cover your liabilities
Choose a coverage period that allows you to cover your liabilities and expected liabilities. This will help in the repayment should something unexpected happen within this period.
Consider a longer coverage period
Enjoy peace of mind in your retirement -- or longer -- by choosing a longer coverage period. Just as long as it's financially sustainable to do so.
Don't have Singpass?
To continue, please register for Singpass and try again. Alternatively, you can also get help from your Great Eastern financial representative
Enjoy {{ (storeStateReferences.discountDetails && storeStateReferences.discountDetails.length > 0 && storeStateReferences.discountDetails[0].rate)? storeStateReferences.discountDetails[0].rate * 100 : 0}}% off!
The discount will be applied to your premium for the first year.
Enjoy staff discounts!
Staff and their family enjoy up to a 30% discount off the total premium. This discount will be applied along with any existing promotions.
Don’t worry! You may still proceed with this application.
Have a preferred financial representative?
Get the invitation link from your financial representative and apply again.
Something went wrong
{{storeStateReferences?.reqRefNumber || '--'}}
{{storeStateReferences?.journeyUUID || '--'}}
{{storeStateReferences?.apiUrl || '--'}}
Sorry, we're unable to offer you this policy
You can browse our other products to find something suitable.
GREAT Term (Digital)
Total premium
{{tokens.premiumAmount? tokens.premiumAmount : '-'}}
Payment frequency
{{tokens.paymentFrequency == 'Annual'? 'Yearly' : 'Monthly'}}
Coverage amount
{{tokens.sumAssured? tokens.sumAssured : '-'}}
Policy term
{{tokens.coverageTerm ? tokens.coverageTerm : 10}} years
Living Care Rider (Digital)
Coverage amount
{{tokens.ciRider? tokens.ciRider: '-'}}
Policy term
{{tokens.ciRiderCoveragePeriod? (tokens.ciRiderCoveragePeriod + ' years'): '-'}}
How to use gift credits
Here are 3 easy steps on how to enter your gift credits or other voucher codes on your payment screen.
1. Copy voucher code
2. Select credit card or PayNow QR as your payment method
3. Enter voucher code
Gift credits can only be used if you pay by credit card or PayNow QR.
Your Financial Representative
You'll be serviced by {{ ||}} for this application.
Likewise, your application will be shared with them via email.
Have a preferred financial representative?
Get the invitation link from your financial representative and try again.
Not to worry! An experienced representative or your last servicing representative will assist you with your insurance matters. Alternatively, you can add a preferred Financial Representative by their mobile number.
Some of your details are missing
This could happen if you navigated Back or Forward on your browser. Please fill in your details and try again.
Hello there!
Personal invitation links are no longer in use.
Not to worry, you can enter the agent’s code later in the journey. Click Okay to proceed.
This product is not available in your region/country
This page is only accessible in Singapore.
Update your contact details
Looks like we can't accept the email or mobile retrieved with Singpass. To continue, update them on the website and try again.