This product is now closed.
Thank you for your interest.
If you have any questions on your purchase, you can get help from your financial representative.
You may also speak to our customer service at 1800 248 2888.
Something went wrong
{{storeStateReferences?.reqRefNumber || '--'}}
{{storeStateReferences?.journeyUUID || '--'}}
{{storeStateReferences?.apiUrl || '--'}}
Sorry, we're unable to offer you this policy
You can browse our other products to find something suitable.
GREAT Term (Digital)
Total premium
{{tokens.premiumAmount? tokens.premiumAmount : '-'}}
Payment frequency
{{tokens.paymentFrequency == 'Annual'? 'Yearly' : 'Monthly'}}
Coverage amount
{{tokens.sumAssured? tokens.sumAssured : '-'}}
Policy term
{{tokens.coverageTerm ? tokens.coverageTerm : 10}} years
Living Care Rider (Digital)
Coverage amount
{{tokens.ciRider? tokens.ciRider: '-'}}
Policy term
{{tokens.ciRiderCoveragePeriod? (tokens.ciRiderCoveragePeriod + ' years'): '-'}}
How to use gift credits
Here are 3 easy steps on how to enter your gift credits or other voucher codes on your payment screen.
1. Copy voucher code
2. Select credit card or PayNow QR as your payment method
3. Enter voucher code
Gift credits can only be used if you pay by credit card or PayNow QR.
Your Financial Representative
You'll be serviced by {{ ||}} for this application.
Likewise, your application will be shared with them via email.
Have a preferred financial representative?
Get the invitation link from your financial representative and try again.
Not to worry! An experienced representative or your last servicing representative will assist you with your insurance matters. Alternatively, you can add a preferred Financial Representative by their mobile number.
Some of your details are missing
This could happen if you navigated Back or Forward on your browser. Please fill in your details and try again.
Hello there!
Personal invitation links are no longer in use.
Not to worry, you can enter the agent’s code later in the journey. Click Okay to proceed.
This product is not available in your region/country
This page is only accessible in Singapore.
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Looks like we can't accept the email or mobile retrieved with Singpass. To continue, update them on the website and try again.
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